Home » When you plant outdoor cannabis, you will want to know when best

When you plant outdoor cannabis, you will want to know when best

by Sophia Jennifer
plant outdoor cannabis

When you plant outdoor cannabis, you will want to know when best. Depending on where in the world you live, this might be different. Some places require indoor growing methods due to climate or other factors. The article goes over what to look for when deciding when is best for your area.

Generally, outdoor growing of cannabis is possible between March and October, but the exact time you should plant outside can vary greatly depending on where you are located. Check with local growers in your area to find out what works for them and what is suitable for your area. The conditions that work for your neighbors may not work for you. Planting outside is only recommended if there are no laws restricting such activities in your area.

What is the best Growing condition for plant outdoor cannabis?

The bare minimum that any plant needs to grow is sunlight. This is because the plant only needs this light to make energy out of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. If the sunlight is present, then pretty much anything else you do to increase the amount of sunlight your plant gets artificially will result in a larger harvest. Some plants grow better in partial shade. Others grow best in full sun, but it is easier to provide full sunlight if you have space. The amount of actual light that your plant receives will affect how much energy it has and the rate at which it grows.

Humidity and temperature are also important factors to consider when plant outdoor cannabis. Humidity is the amount of water in the air at a given time. Temperature is how hot or cold it is outside on any particular day or night. Most plants like warm or hot weather, but some can handle colder temperatures if they get enough sunlight and water during these periods. Too much heat or too much cold will cause stress on your plants.

Why Summer Is Best for Planting Outdoors?

Planting in the summer is optimal due to the longer days and high temperatures. The short days and low temperatures of winter will significantly slow cannabis plant growth. In areas where frost is a concern, only grow outside from June to September, but even then, frost isn’t always a problem. You can grow outside year-round if you live in a very warm area.

Plant outdoor cannabis in late May or early June in many parts of the world will allow seedlings to grow strong enough to survive any heat waves that come along once summer is upon us. The longer daylight hours also give much more light to the plants when they are growing under the sun. Late January or February is best for planting in the southern hemisphere. Parts of Australia, for example, will be very hot during this time, but plants will be fully inside before the tropical heat begins, and plant growth can continue through the winter months.

Other Factors to Consider When Planting Outdoors

Water availability can be problematic in some areas, especially during and after heavy rainfall. Consider proximity to a water supply for your plants if you are growing on a property that does not have one. You’ll likely need one large water source per acre of outdoor cannabis under cultivation. Growing outdoors can be very expensive. Watch out for what you buy and where you buy it. It is unlikely that your neighbors will not mind if you put some extra strain on the yard if it means you don’t have to buy pot from them. 

How to plant outdoor cannabis and Care for Plants When You Plant?

Planting is the first step of growing, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. You can plant outdoor cannabis seeds indoors or outdoors and still produce quality plants. You can do some things to ensure that your plants are healthy and grow at a good rate. So here Are The Steps For Planting,

1. Start with healthy seeds. 

The first and most important step for planting your seeds is to have healthy seedlings. This means starting with seedlings purchased from a reputable nursery that has guaranteed their seeds through a germination test. The germination rate of the seeds should be at least 80% but closer to 90% if possible.

2. Choose a proper location and prepare the growing medium. 

It’s important to realize that not all soils are created equal, and each soil has different nutrient availability and moisture levels. Which affect the growth rate, size and overall health of your plants. Choosing a spot on your property where conditions like soil, sunlight and drainage are acceptable is important. Before plant outdoor cannabis, you should also know the space available for the plants. 

3. Plant your cannabis seeds.

After you have decided on the location for planting, you need to prepare the soil. Compost is a great and relatively inexpensive option, but peat moss maybe even better and doesn’t break down as quickly. Whatever growing medium you choose should be mixed with compost or other organic material, then amended with a high-quality fertilizer like Happy Frog Tomato & Vegetable Formula or Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer for maximum plant health. 

You can also use a “seed starting mix,” but this is unnecessary. If you choose to use soil in your garden, the care it needs may outweigh the benefits. Soilless growing media are usually sterile and free of disease-causing organisms. In addition, there is no risk of over-watering since it does not hold on to water.

4. Thoroughly water your cannabis seeds.

Make sure you have saturated the soil evenly with water before planting your cannabis seeds. If you planted indoors, make sure the soil has completely dried with no standing water before you plant your seedlings; if you planted outdoors, make sure to water the ground enough so that the top couple inches are moist for the plants. Check for moisture about two inches in outdoor planting areas to ensure the upper layer of dirt is moistened evenly.

5. Prepare your seeds for planting.

When you have planted your cannabis seeds, cover them lightly with soil to help prevent the soil and surrounding roots from drying out. You should also keep the soil moist enough, so the plants can easily push through the earth. You can use a sprinkler attachment to water your plants or tip a cup of water over each plant if you don’t want to install an irrigation system.

6. Prepare your garden bed for the plants.

Getting more sun and water will help your plant outdoor cannabis grow, but it will also cause the soil to heat up and dry out. Soaking the soil, mulching and watering all at once will help prevent this. To give the plants extra organic material to work with, you can create raised beds by digging a box 1/2-2″ larger on all sides than the root mass of your plant (e.g., a 4’x4′ raised bed for a 2’x2′ root mass).


Growing cannabis outdoors can be a fun and exciting way to help you grow your own medicine. It requires more work, but your quality of life will most likely be improved in the end. Be sure to choose the proper spot on your property for growing, and make sure that you know what conditions are ideal. Adequate water and sunlight will allow you to grow great plants, but they need assistance after plant outdoor cannabis them. Remember that it doesn’t take much effort to plant seeds, but it does take time before they get going and become ready for harvest. 

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