Home » The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Car Accidents

The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Car Accidents

by Sophia Jennifer
Car Accidents

Car accidents are common everywhere around the world, and Orlando is no exception to this. Different factors, such as drunk driving, distracted driving, poor infrastructure, etc, contribute to these accidents. 

It is important to remain cautious while driving as it can result in severe injuries and sometimes even lead to death of the individual. There are different traffic laws that are made to reduce car accident rates. However, these are only effective when a person shows some level of responsibility towards each other. 

If every person will take care of little things like not being on the phone when driving or talking to someone present in the car, then only we can expect the rates to go lower. Unfortunately, we have many irresponsible drivers who do not only pose risks to themselves but also to other road users. 

Their reckless behavior becomes the cause of someone’s death, and people even end up developing different psychological problems as well. Furthermore, it is essential that legal actions are taken against irresponsible drivers so that they take responsibility for those things in the future. 

If you are a victim of a car accident, you should know how to get compensation for your losses. Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein in Orlando can help. 

What are the psychological effects of car accidents?

There are different psychological conditions that people develop as a result of being in a car accident. Some of these conditions are listed below: 

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): 

Car accidents are some of the leading causes of PTSD in the United States. PTSD includes symptoms such as nightmares at night, repetitive flashbacks from the accidents, fear of visiting the place where the accident took place, etc. 

The symptoms can have an impact on daily life activities as people may find it difficult to concentrate on their daily tasks. Panic, stress, and anxiety are some of the things that people may develop as a result of car collisions. A catastrophic event can result in PTSD among people. 

A natural disaster, war, sexual assault, etc, are some of the events where people are likely to develop PTSD. Even those who witnessed the catastrophic event are at risk of developing PTSD. Some other symptoms of PTSD include:

  1. Not being able to sleep
  2. Getting startled easily.
  3. Experiencing mood swings
  4. Depression can be there, too.
  5. Thoughts of committing suicide 
  6. Hopelessness
  7. A person may develop detachment from their loved ones.
  8. Emotional distress 
  • Anxiety or Intense fear:

When a person experiences constant emotional reactions following a car accident, they may develop a phobia of car driving. Depending on how the person copes, this can last for several weeks to months or even more than that. 

Just the thought of getting inside a car can trigger emotional responses in the person. Due to this reason, they may avoid being anywhere around vehicles before they get inside one. 

Nightmares and blackouts are some common problems that people face in such scenarios. Treatments for mental suffering are seen to be as much as the physical suffering following a car accident. 

What is the deadline for claiming psychological distress in a car accident?

An attorney can be very helpful in getting you compensation for your emotional distress if it is significant enough. However, you should note that there is a specific time period under which a person is supposed to make the claim. 

Statute of limitations are there for emotional distress just as they are for physical injuries. Therefore, a personal injury attorney’s advice and help become very important. 

Navigate to the aftermath of a car accident easily!

Personal injury lawyers have years of experience in dealing with car accidents. They can help you build a strong case and get the proper compensation for the physical and emotional pain. There are many online firms that offer free initial consultation. You can reach out to them and see if you are interested in their services. 

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